Privacy Policy

Data privacy is important to the NMIMSPL (NM Ingenious Management Services Private Limited) which includes NMIMSPL, and its affiliates. This Privacy Statement describes the information we collect about you as a visitor to or other NMIMSPL or Ingenious management websites that link to this Privacy Statement, how NMIMSPL will use the information provided, and with whom we may share the information. The Statement describes your choices and rights related to the information that is provided to or collected by NMIMSPL .


As part of the NMIMSPL, customers and/or end users may load data into the mobile application. NMIMSPL will not share or distribute any such Customer Data except as provided in the contractual agreement between NMIMSPL and the customer, or as may be required by law. If you are a user of the NMIMSPL, your use of NMIMSPL is governed by your organization’s policies. Please direct your privacy questions or concerns to your employer or your organization’s NMIMSPL administrators and its management team.

How NMIMSPL Uses Information

Information Collection

You may choose to provide us with your personal information, such as your name, email address, company information, address, and mobile numbers. In order to access some areas of NMIMSPL, including NMIMSPL Community, you will need to have an account with a username and password. As part of your account, you may choose to provide us with additional information, such as a photo, social media profiles, or areas of expertise. If you register to attend a NMIMSPL sponsored event, we will require certain information including your name, email address, company, and in some instances, emergency contact.When registering for any event, we may also require you to provide billing information (such as billing name and address, and credit card number). NMIMSPL or NMIMSPL Service providers may use website tracking technologies to observe your activities, interactions, preferences, transactional information, and other computer and connection information (such as an IP address) relating to your use of our websites and services. We may also use log files, cookies, and similar technologies to collect information about thepages you view, links you click, and other actions you take when accessing our websites, services, or emails.When you choose to use a NMIMSPL mobile application / app, the app may collect information from your device, such as your photos, contacts, or precise geolocation data, with your solicited permissions, to enable some functions in accordance with your device settings. For more information about our mobile app, please see the section below on Mobile Applications.

Use of collected information

This section describes some of the ways in which NMIMSPL uses the information collected. Please note that there may be other uses, which would describe to you when the information is collected. NMIMSPL uses the information collect about you to provide to the NMIMSPL websites, services, and support. For example, if you provide information to us in a “Contact Us” form, we will use your information to respond to the request. NMIMSPL uses your information for event planning and management, including registration, billing, and ways to connect with other event attendees, or to contact you further about relevant products and services. Any information you provide about emergency contacts or dietary preferences would be used for your safety and health purposes.

We use the contact information we collect from you and information about your activity on our websites to send you informationthat we believe may be of interest to you, such as product announcements, newsletters, educational materials, and details onupcoming events. We also use it to send administrative information, such as notices related to products, services, or policychanges. We use the information we collect to understand how our websites and services are being used and to makeimprovements. For example, we may use the search queries entered into NMIMSPL Community to improve search capabilitiesor performance. As another example, we may use questions posted or comments on NMIMSPL Community to enrich thecontent or help guide future enhancements to our products and services. Your information also may be used to personalizeyour experience on our websites. NMIMSPL or our services providers use website tracking technologies to display products orfeatures that are tailored to your interests and to present advertising on other sites. We may use your information to diagnosewebsite technical problems, as well as to prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate potential security issues, as well asfraudulent or illegal activity. In some instances, we may combine the information you have provided to us with other publiclyavailable information. We may also purchase data from third parties and combine this with information we have alreadycollected. We use this combined information to update, expand, and analyse our marketing leads; identify new customers; andcreate more tailored advertising. If you participate in a NMIMSPL team meetings or training sessions or training courses, yourenrolment and attendance information will be recorded to track and potentially report your participation and completion. Forexample, completion of NMIMSPL certifications by a services partner may be visible to NMIMSPL and our customers, andcompletion of a training course may also be visible to the entity making the training available to you. This registration andtracking may be conducted by third parties on behalf of NMIMSPL.


NMIMSPL may share information with NMIMSPL affiliates, and third-party service providers or vendors contracted to provide services on our behalf. These third-party service providers or vendors may use information we provide to them only as instructed by NMIMSPL. NMIMSPL may offer the following solely or jointly with third parties or partners: webinars, events, white paper downloads, or other services related to NMIMSPL offerings or services. We may share, with your prior permission, your contact information, and interests in these offerings or services with these approved third parties to communicate with you about NMIMSPL. When you attend an event (either sponsored by NMIMSPL or one where NMIMSPL is a participating vendor) and have your badge scanned, your information will be shared with NMIMSPL, as well as with any partner or third party participating in that event, and potentially with the entity sponsoring your attendance at the event. For example, if your badge is scanned as you attend a session at a NMIMSPL sponsored conference, NMIMSPL and any co-presenters may have access to that information to understand who was in attendance, and potentially follow up with you on relevant products or services. If you do not want your information shared with NMIMSPL or partners in this manner, do not have your badge scanned. If your badged is scanned by a partner or a third party at an event, your information will be governed by that party’s privacy statement. NMIMSPL may disclose information if we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal processes; (b) protect and defend our rights or property; (c) enforce the website Terms and Conditions; and/or (d) act to protect the interests of our users or others. If NMIMSPL goes through a business transition, such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, your personal information may be among the assets transferred.


You may post comments or questions on our websites; for example, on a blog, community site, or developer forum. Some of these forums allow you to provide your personal information and create a profile. Personal information you submit in these public areas can be read and collected by others who access them. You should only post personal information to online forum swith the awareness that the information will be available to others in the forum (unless stated otherwise). Comments posted by individuals in an online forum reflect their own views and should not be considered to reflect the opinion of NMIMSPL .

Do Not Track

Without a common industry or legal standard for interpreting Do Not Track (DNT) signals, NMIMSPL does not respond to browser DNT signals. We will continue to monitor further development of a DNT standard by the privacy community and industry.

Additional NMIMSPL Privacy Information

The NMIMSPL Cloud Platform

The NMIMSPL Cloud Platform allows partners and developers to build applications independent of NMIMSPL . Before using these applications, please review the relevant privacy statement and terms of service.

Mobile Applications

When you are using a NMIMSPL mobile application or NMIMSPL sponsored mobile application or NMIMSPL contracted parties & vendors mobile applications, NMIMSPL may obtain information from or access data stored on your device, to provide services related to the relevant mobile application. NMIMSPL uses this information to deliver requested application services, to continue to improve our mobile applications, and to facilitate event participation, such as providing event schedules and the opportunity to connect with event attendees. For example, when you are using a NMIMSPL mobile application, we may access your camera to allow you to upload photographs to the mobile service; access your calendar, social media, and contact information to allow you to interact with other event attendees; or access the geographic location of your device to enable you to identify nearby contacts. NMIMSPL may also collect information from your usage of the mobile application to improve events and services, communicate with you about the event and relevant products and services, and for security purposes. You may configure NMIMSPL mobile applications, and this configuration will affect how information from your device is accessed and obtained in the mobile application.


NMIMSPL employs reasonable and appropriate physical and logical security measures to protect personal information from loss, theft, misuse, unauthorized access, and unintentional disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your password or other form of authentication involved in accessing password-protected or secured resources. In order to protect you and your information, NMIMSPL may suspend your use of a website without notice, pending an investigation, if any security breach is suspected.

Data Retention

We will retain your personal information only as long as needed to provide you with services or as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Data entered into the NMIMSPL Service is retained in accordance with the agreement between the NMIMSPL Customer and NMIMSPL.

Changes to This Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to change or update this Privacy Statement at any time. Changes to the Privacy Statement will be posted on this website and links to the Privacy Statement will indicate that the statement has been changed or updated. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement for any changes. For new users, changes or updates are effective upon posting. For existing users, changes or updates are effective 30 days after posting.

Global Privacy Considerations

Personal information collected by NMIMSPL may be stored and processed in the India where NMIMSPL or its affiliates, subsidiaries, or third-party service providers maintain facilities. When you provide personal information to NMIMSPL, you consent to the processing and transfer of your information within the India and around the world. We follow applicable data protection laws when transferring personal information.

Contacting NMIMSPL

Updating Your Choices

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Statement, or if at any time after providing your personal information to NMIMSPL you want to update, change, unsubscribe, or request removal or deletion of your information, or if you would like to assert any of the rights listed above, please direct your request to / or via postal mail at the contact information listed below. NMIMSPL will respond to your request within a reasonable timeframe.NM Ingenious Management Services Private Limited, 337, 1 st Floor, Raghuleela Mall, Kandivali, Mumbai 400067.

Attn.: Regarding Privacy Policy